
This policy for reservations exists to ensure fair and organized booking of services. It outlines the terms and conditions for making a reservation, including the deposit requirements, payment methods, and the need for a signed rental agreement. This policy helps manage expectations and protects both the service provider and the customer.

  • Reservations will be on a first come, first serve basis. Dates will not be held without an initial deposit.
  • Initial deposit is $100. The remaining balance will be due the day of the delivery BEFORE any items are unloaded.
  • A minimum of $150 worth of rentals is needed to reserve a date, with a deposit of $100.
  • Delivery, set up, and pick-up fees are included in price shown on the website! Taxes will be applicable.
  • The customer must sign the rental agreement and liability release on paper or electronically before the delivery is complete.
  • Payments will be accepted via Zelle and Cash ONLY.

Rental Period

This policy for the rental period should exists to clarify the 8-hour rental duration, drop-off and pick-up times, and the option for overnight rentals at an additional cost.

  • The rental period is 8 hours. Equipment may be rented for less time but this will not decrease the price. The price is set and covers up to 8 hours; additional hours may be purchased. ​​
  • All items will be dropped off before 1pm and picked up by 9pm, according to your rental period of 8 hours, unless prior arrangements were agreed upon between the customer and PKR.
  • Overnight rentals will be available for an additional cost.


This policy for damages exists to clearly outline the customer's responsibility for taking care of rented items.

  • The customer assumes full responsibility for taking care of any items that are rented out. If any item is lost, damaged, or stolen, the customer will be liable to pay full cost of a brand-new replacement, up to $4,000.


This policy regarding injuries should exist to clarify that Party Knight Rentals LLC will not be liable for any injuries resulting from a rental.

  • Party Knight Rentals LLC will NOT be liable for any injuries resulting from a rental to any party involved. The customer must sign a liability release indicating they understand and agree that their Homeowner’s Insurance (or themselves) that will cover any fees or medical costs in the event of a claim.